
Sunday, March 05, 2006


I decided to walk home. Well, back to the demolished house that may or may not have been mine. As I walked down along a better footpath than usual, I tried to work what my situation was. This was 2006, but it wasn’t the 2006 from before. The Shifter took me somewhere, and then I handed over antiseptic to someone who had been waiting impatiently for my arrival in…wherever. My legs were sore. There were two dead people in the backyard of my, the – whatever – house. I didn’t know if my mother was alive. The holder had destroyed my home. The science lab at school had been secured electrically, and a fire extinguisher had exploded. I’d picked up a microscope on the instruction of an arrow that was now leading me down the street that was cleaner than I remember-

That was it. I stopped in the middle of the street.
Cleaner. Better.
I suddenly understood what I was doing, and sank to my knees.

I shook with brutal, terrifying panic.

I’d travelled back in time to the 1700s, and I’d interfered. I'd given the man something from MY TIME. I'd returned back to 2006, but it wasn’t the same 2006 as before. I’d changed history by bringing antiseptic back before it was invented. That’s why everything was cleaner. By taking a new technology back in time, I’d accelerated the progression of the human race.

‘Shit,’ I stammered. ‘Shit, shit, shit. Oh God.’


  • Another poem, this one inspired by 'Revelation':
    I read this blog entry
    And that's when I knew
    Why streets were so cleanly.
    Time to have stew!

    OK seriously, this seems to make sense in the context of the story so far. It does seem a little extreme for one container of antiseptic, but it will be interesting to see how our hero saves the day. Now the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  

  • Yes, I think I suspected something along the lines of timetravelling and changing of the timeline. Now the real question is what sort of damage Switching can do to reality and the survival of the human species and why exactly Joel's life has been thrusted into that of a 'Switchling'. And what of his mother and why his house was completely annihilated.
    Cool. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:13 PM  

  • Careful. Joel's a Switchling, but he's been Shifting.

    By Blogger nshady, at 1:21 PM  

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