
Sunday, February 26, 2006


I grabbed the chemical fire extinguisher from by the door, and gave an experimental squeeze of the handle. White foam rocketed out. I thought ‘why not?’, and unleashed some serious powdered fury on the nearby lockers. With my tension alleviated, I raised the extinguisher above my head and grabbed it firmly with both hands. Taking a deep breath, I slammed the extinguisher down hard on the knob. The extinguisher sparked, and shot out of my hands, mainly because I was flying backwards through the air. Oh yeah. Metal conducts electricity. Damn.

I raised myself up on my elbows, and looked back at the door that was now ten metres away. The gap where the door handle had been was sparking like crazy. The extinguisher was smoking, and didn’t look healthy. As I watched, the powder caught alight. ‘How iron-‘ I began, but was interrupted midway by an explosive blast of air and foam that sent me tumbling back another ten metres.

I raised myself up on my elbows, and looked back at the door that was now twenty metres away. Groaning, I sat up. I wasn’t having the best of days. After shakily rising to my feet I lurched forward, and kept moving mainly due to momentum, not because I particularly wanted to. I reached the door, and then stopped. I breathed in, and then kicked out at the wooden part of the door. The hinges gave way, and the door collapsed inwards rather impressively. I strutted through the threshold. Clenching my fist, I suddenly noticed the mysterious absence of anything in my palm, and then hastily ran outside to grab the Shifter. I strutted through the threshold. The arrow was pointing at a trolley full of microscopes.

I reached towards the trolley, and the Shifter whined. I took my hand away, and the sound stopped. I reached forward again, and the hum restarted. I picked up a microscope, and was startled to hear a ‘ding’ noise that sounded suspiciously like a checkout at the supermarket. I tossed up whether or not to take the microscope. It seemed apparent that the Switcher felt it necessary to steal the apparatus, but I wasn’t sure whether I should. The trolley had twelve microscopes; could they cope with eleven? I decided that they could. Heaving up the microscope, I grasped it with both hands and walked out into the courtyard.


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